58 Parkland Plaza
Suite 600

Ann Arbor MI, 48103
(734) 665-5051 - FAX
(734) 665-7111 - PHONE

CUB Accomplishments
Leading the Way For the Construction Industry

CUB Memorandum of Understanding
CUB Projects

The CUB Memorandum of Understanding continues to be the backbone of the CUB organization. Almost twenty years after its beginning with the Domino's Project, it stands as originally written, and continues to endure. It has been enhanced by adding our Substance Abuse Agreement and the Jurisdictional Disputes Agreement. Also to insure its interpretation, we have added a short list of definitions and answers to questions.

The Memorandum of Understanding, with its added official definitions and procedures, are part of this report. Also included with this report is a list of current and completed CUB Projects, along with information highlighting a number of the projects throughout the years.

Parke-Davis - Pfizer, Inc.

The Parke-Davis / Pfizer, Inc. project has been a major project for the CUB Board this past year. It has surpassed the Domino's project as the largest CUB Job. As the owner continues to add to the project, it insures that each new contractor / construction managers signs the agreement.

We are currently in negotiations with a number of projects that we feel will soon be added to the list of CUB Projects under Memorandums of Understanding.

CUB Consultant

CUB, throughout the years, has been extraordinarily successful as a volunteer organization. This commands a great deal of time from the Officers of the Executive Committee, along with the membership. We have been fortunate that this is something they have given willingly.

With the tremendous amount of construction work currently ongoing, and at the forefront, the Executive Committee has decided to enlist the assistance of a Consultant. In our over 30 years of existence, only two times have we had a part-time Consultant assisting with our organization. Both times, it greatly assisted the Officers and helped with our continued growth.

CUB Website

The CUB Website - www.ConstructionUnityBoard.org is up and running. The site outlines the purpose of the organization, its history, and its successes. As it progresses, it also will have the contributing contractor lists of each participating union, and the members of the participating trade association's union-employing contractors.

Other Websites - www.miconstructioncareers.org

CUB participated in the preparation and planning of the website dedicated to the organized construction industry. www. miconstructioncareers.org is currently receiving excellent contacts as students and interested individuals learn about becoming involved in construction as a career.

Owner / User Relationships

Contacts have continued throughout the year, with numerous owners and developers. We labor to add to our CUB projects. In some instances, although not a signed CUB Job, we have accomplished the same with a joint agreement to work together for the benefit of organized labor.

We continue to work with other similar labor-management-user organizations in an attempt to give the construction owner the most cooperative and efficient work achievable.

In February, 2001, representatives of the Executive Committee met with the Public Owner-Contractor Liaison Committee. The Owner-Contractor Committee is comprised of members of the owner community in our area, Eastern Michigan University, the University of Michigan, Washtenaw Community College, City of Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Schools, and Washtenaw County who meet with area contractors to discuss issues of mutual concern. One of the most important issues for owners today is manpower and whether we will be able to have the necessary workers for the current and upcoming projects. The owners were assured of our ability to provide the necessary workers for their jobs.

Substance Abuse Program

In an effort to better accommodate the Pfizer Project (Parke-Davis), the CUB organization agreed to abide by the Pfizer drug testing program. We also have agreed to participate in the Alliance program that was developed by the Great Lakes Construction Alliance in cooperation with MOST and MUST. Although not currently being utilized, it shows the willingness of all participants to work to assist local owners on their projects.

Career Development

Apprenticeship Manual

The 2001 Edition of the statewide Apprenticeship Training Manual has recently been made available to school personnel, particularly guidance counselors. CUB participated in its development by providing local information. It is being utilized extensively throughout the state at numerous educational programs.

Governor's Conference

The Governor's Career Development Conference, sponsored by the Michigan Department of Career Development and the Department of Education, was recently held in Grand Rapids. It was geared for high school counselors and student advisors at any level. It showcased how students are educated and prepared for higher education and the workforce.

CUB was represented at the Conference, both through the Apprenticeship Manual and at the booth of the Greater Michigan PMC. One of the Conference Highlights was a Conference Exhibit Area that provided to counselors, the latest technology and resources available to them to help students explore and prepare for careers. At the Conference we distributed over 1,300 Career Manuals, and continue to receive requests from schools for additional copies for class projects.

Prevailing Wage

School Board Conference

For the second time, the organized industry, including CUB, participated in the annual Michigan School Board Members Conference. Held in Grand Rapids, we featured both the careers aspect of the industry, and the importance of prevailing wages for safe school buildings.

The Conference Expo presented members the opportunity to speak directly with elected school board officials to explain the importance of prevailing wages for the State of Michigan.

Legal Action

The recent legal action against the Michigan Prevailing Wages Law is currently under review. We will keep the membership advised as it progresses through the legal process.

2000 - A Good Start to the new Millennium

It has been an active and important year for the organization, the website launched, a consultant has been contracted, along with the on going success with CUB Projects. This has laid the ground-work for a new millennium of continued labor-management cooperation for the organized industry.

As 2001 begins, CUB begins its 35th year.
This history continues the privilege of being named the country's longest continuous running labor-management organization.


CUB 1999 Representative Accomplishments

CUB Projects

The backbone of the CUB organization - the CUB Memorandum of Understanding continues to endure. Even though over fifteen years old, beginning with the Domino's Project, it stands as originally written. We have enhanced it by adding our Substance Abuse Agreement and the Jurisdictional Disputes Agreement. Also to insure it's interpretation, we have added a short list of definitions.

Included with this report is a list of current and completed CUB Projects, along with information highlighting a number of the projects throughout the years.

Owner/User Contacts

Throughout the year we have made contact with numerous owners and developers. We continue to add to our projects, and in some instances, although not a signed CUB Job, we have accomplished the same with a joint agreement to work together for the benefit of organized labor.

In early January, 2000, representatives of the Executive Committee met with the Public Owners-Contractors Liaison Committee. The Owner-Contractor Committee is comprised of members of the owners community in our area, Eastern Michigan University, the University of Michigan, Washtenaw Community College, City of Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Schools, and Washtenaw County who meet with area contractors to discuss issues of mutual concern. One of the most important issues for owners today is manpower and whether we will be able to have the necessary workers for the current and upcoming projects. The owners were assured of our ability to man the jobs.

Substance Abuse Program

In an effort to better accommodate Parke-Davis, the CUB organization agreed to abide by the drug testing program that was developed by the Great Lakes Construction Alliance in cooperation with MOST and MUST. Although not currently being utilized, it shows the willingness of all participants to work to assist local owners on their projects.

Career Development

Apprenticeship Manual

CUB participated in the development of a statewide Apprenticeship Training Manual to be utilized by school personnel, particularly guidance counselors. It has been utilized extensively throughout the state at numerous programs. The second printing will be available in February, 2000.

Governor's Conference

A Career Development Conference was sponsored by the Michigan Department of Career Development and the Department of Education. It was geared for high school counselors and student advisors at any level. It showcased how students are educated and prepared for higher education and the workforce.

CUB was represented at the Conference, both through the Apprenticeship Manual and at the booth of the Greater Michigan PMC. One of the Conference Highlights was a Conference Exhibit Area that provided, to counselors, the latest technology and resources available to them to help students explore and prepare for careers. The Conference brought together High School Counselors from throughout the State of Michigan.

Website - www.constructioncareers.org

CUB participated in the preparation and planning of the website dedicated to the organized construction industry. www.constructioncareers.org is currently receiving excellent contacts as students and interested individuals learn about becoming involved in construction as a career.

Prevailing Wage

School Board Conference

The organized industry, including CUB, participated for the first time in the annual Michigan School Board Members Conference. Held in Grand Rapids, we featured both the careers aspect of the industry, and the importance of prevailing wages for safe school buildings.

The Conference Expo gave members present the opportunity to speak directly with elected school board officials to explain the importance of prevailing wages for the State of Michigan.

Prevailing Wage Symposium

The organized construction industry, in an attempt to get the true facts out on Michigan's Prevailing Wage Law, sponsored a Symposium "Prevailing Wage Symposium - The Facts About Prevailing Wage", in early March. CUB's booklet on Prevailing Wages was utilized in the preparation of information distributed. A number of CUB participants were involved in the planning.

Nationally known experts, unparalleled in the Construction Industry, were brought in for the Symposium. Peter Cockshaw, one of the construction industry's leading experts on labor related issues participated. Controversial, but fair, he discussed all aspects of the Construction Industry with fairness and insight held by very few.

Dr. Peter Philips, Professor of Economics at the University of Utah also was a featured speaker. He is published widely on both the canning and construction industry. Dr. Philips has worked as a consultant to the US Labor Department and has worked with the US Justice Department as an expert on the Davis-Bacon and Prevailing Wage Laws.

1999 - A Good Year

All in all it has been an active and important year for the organization, laying the ground work for a new millennium of continued labor-management cooperation for the organized industry in the Washtenaw County area.

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